Maryland Newborn Photographer | Baltimore Newborn | Adoption Photographer

I had the biggest pleasure photographing this sweet little lady at her newborn session. This session was particularly special to me because her mom had just adopted her!! I am incredibly thankful I was able to be a part of both of their stories!! <3 


Harford County Newborn Photographer | Baltimore Twin Session - Cream and Brown

I loved photographing these beautiful twin babies! They were so expressive, and loved being wrapped snuggly, and were an all around a joy to photograph!

These two love bugs were my second set of twins, and now I just want every family with multiples to contact me, because I love photographing the beautiful together shots, and the adorable separate shots to capture their individual personalities :)

Check out their beautiful session below!


If you are looking for a newborn session in the harford county, baltimore county, DC, Virginia, Pennsylvania area, contact me so that we can start planning your little one's session today!

Sweet Bliss Photography | Harford County Newborn Photographer

Hi Everyone! 

Today's blog post is brought to you by some very exciting news! 

 This past Christmas was our first Christmas in our new home! We moved to Harford County in July and have been working tirelessly (me mostly decorating and Brandon mostly fixing and upgrading things- you know the actual work lol) to make the home functional, and our own. I took on the wonderfula znd exciting task of hosting Christmas Breakfast this year and we were both excited to wake up Christmas morning and spend time with the dogs before family came over. This being our first Christmas with a new house and lots of bills that come along with that, we discussed that we wouldn't get each other gifts. Which if you know either of us, you know that we couldn't actually go through with not getting each other something. As we made our way to the Christmas tree that morning, Brandon handed me two presents. I was so excited to unwrap them to discover that they were 2 mugs with 2 Alex and Ani bracelets inside!! (I'm addicted haha) I gave Brandon a small but thoughtful gift of REI socks - because he works outside so much in crocks,  fully hoping that he'd think that was it, and knowing that I had the office chair he had his eye on, in the back of my car waiting to be revealed. Before I could say "let's go outside for one more thing" he said he had one more thing to give me. He got down on one knee, in the early morning quiet, next to our glowing Christmas tree and asked me to marry him. With some tears, laughter and a couple "are you sure??"s later, I was engaged to my best friend!!

 Once the excitement and the celebrating with my family later that day had calmed down, I new that it wasn't really a question that I wanted to take my Fiance's last name (lucky for me, I will have the same initials ;)) and knew that I no longer wanted to keep my previous business name. Over the next couple of weeks I thought about what I could possibly name my business, a business that doesn't feel like work 99.9%. I wanted a name to truly reflect that. *drum rollllllll* I am now Sweet Bliss Photography *cue cheers everywhere*  It truly felt like I captured everything in that one name. My feelings about photography and parents feelings toward their precious little newborn babies and children. It truly just seemed to be the best fit! 

As a primarily newborn photographer for the Baltimore and Harford County areas, it's so important to me that when parents come to my in-home studio that they feel relaxed and immediately in good hands. There's a lot of new things that will be happening this year, a lot of amazing products that I will be sharing with parents for designing their perfect gallery walls, and displaying their prints and albums in their homes. I photographed so many incredible little babies (25 to be exact) last year and I can only hope that number doubles this year, because I have a true passion for all things that involve itty bitty babies. Here's to 2017, all of the Maryland babies being born this year and making wonderful life changes!! 
